tik tok tik tok

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

apam polka dot

asslamualaikum n hai readers!

today i just wanna do some review about apam polka dot ~from micah's kitchen..

wah, cam satu segment masak memasak je kan...

ni just review, so xdisertakan resipi ye, huehuehu

kalo nak resipi sila la request...

tips tambahan # kalo nak kukus make sure balut penutup periuk kukus ng kain ye, to make sure there is no water drop on our apam...

kalo x apam kita akan jadi sedikit berkerutu, macam yg saya buat...some of them look like with colour but the surface is not so smooth...

tapi, stakat ni xde effect pun kalo makan, kalo sedap tu sedap jugak kan...hihihi

ni sebelum kukus

ni yang da siap dan sedia dimakan

the colour is quite pale because i'm not interested to the colour so much instead of concern of our health...

this apam is filing with chip chocolate..

this apam is filling with banana... filling with banana is better bcoz the sweetness came from the fruits itself...

ok, that all the review from me...

footnotes # if you all concern, I am just sharing about my passion instead of my study or 'future carrier' ...my passion is describing my self, who am I in my own world...hikhiks

thanks for reading my dearest reader!


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