tik tok tik tok

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

why i choose BLOGging?

today is 11/1/11...love this date.
back to the topic, why i choose blogging? seriously, kalo readers yg kenal saya diluar, saya seorang yang sgt pendiam...tak ada kawan rapat....but i'm not kera sumbang....i prefer to do something by my self @ alone...sometimes they called me selfish but i don't care that as long as i didn't bother her life...isn't?
kenapa saya pendiam?
may be because i only speak when i have to. n when i have a point to share...sbb saya tak pandai nak merepek2 even though my class mates are most happening people that i ever meet... ~hiks
ada yang menegur:
"ija, ko ni sejak rapat ng ***, ko nmpak cam bargantung sgt la ng dia"
yes, i admit that...
kalo masa kat matrix(KMNS), there is the most precious moment for me that have a friends like them(adilin+yuyu+alya+farah)...our friendship is too deep...sbb ap? IKHLAS...
skang, susah nak cari kawan yg camtu, kalo da pun sgt tidak ramai...
menipu, cakap belakang, 'talam dua muka', semua tu dah biasa je....so i take my own decision to not too close with anyone...but, i tried to get friends as much as possible when i join a program....but not too close....so, i got an alternative....there is...


such a wonderful experience when we can share anything with person that we don't know but can b a friend...but not sharing too personal...

i write with a passion

bcoz i love blogging., the point is, saya tak ramai kawan untuk berkongsi sbb saya yg limitkan pergaulan tu...kenapa? .....????.....

saya selesa dengan siapa saya selesa je...and i miss that moment with adilin+yuyu+alya+farah....
and now, i meet someone that make me so comfortable..that is my boo...no one can deny it rite?
hopefully he is the only....


  1. YES~~he is the only one~~(klau silap tulis,tlog btulkn,hihihi)

    'kawan seperti maen bolo ragbi,sebelum dapat kejar then bila dh dapat,peluk'...

    hati2 dlm berkwn naa...

  2. Me too.Kita sm. MM pun pendiam orgnye (^.^)

  3. kita bertemu di dunia maya untuk saling mengenali dan berkongsi rite?


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